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Exploring Prison Abolition Through Film with Beyond Walls

December 5, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST

This exciting and enlightening program offers a community film screening and conversation about Beyond Walls, a collection of short documentaries that examine prison abolition from a wide range of perspectives with the hope of inspiring people to imagine and take action toward a world invested in community and not punitive practices. The documentaries in this collection are brought to you from the minds of Adamu Chan, Project Nia & Blue Seat Studios, Ash Goh, Amistad Law Project, and Sylvia Ryerson. This screening will include four out of the five Beyond Walls films: What These Walls Won’t HoldDefund the PoliceI’m Free Now You Are Free, and Practical Abolition, followed by a 30 minute talk back. For those interested in building towards a world without prisons and police, there will be resources available on how to get involved and take action in the community, as well as organizations who can answer questions. 

About Beyond Walls:

Beyond Walls is an organizing initiative featuring documentary films that define and amplify what prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition means, while inspiring people to imagine and take action toward a world without policing. Beyond a goal of simply changing hearts and minds, these five short films and screening events offer concrete tools and actions that can be taken to help create a world without police and prisons. Beyond Walls was curated by the Center for Political Education, Critical Resistance, MPD150, and Survived + Punished in partnership with Working Films.

About Your Visit: 

The in-house restaurant 40 North  is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, but a cash wine bar will be available.

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December 5, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST
Program Category:


Alphabet City
40 W. North Avenue
Pittsburgh,PA15212United States
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