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She says this tkhine when she has stopped counting the days

She says this tkhine when she has stopped counting the days

Leah Falk
Even if she reached the end of letters, of roads. Of calendar grids and meals served. Even at the end of the body’s order—the liver’s gather and flush, the heart’s neat applause for itself—still a fogged way tears open. Still four a.m. arrives and the beloved’s place in bed empties ...
<em>20. Is it a common belief that the appearance and resemblance of children depends on what the mother sees during the time she is leaving the mikve and during her pregnancy? </em>

20. Is it a common belief that the appearance and resemblance of children depends on what the mother sees during the time she is leaving the mikve and during her pregnancy?

Leah Falk
— The Jewish Ethnographic Program, 1912 The placenta a clicking projector. Your blood in the theater of mine, reclining. - She looks like you, my mother says of the 20-week sonogram. You’re mostly bones and brain, but maybe that’s all it takes: inheritance settles first in the densest tissue. - ...


Leah Falk
We agreed to participate in the study, took the surveys that asked how often during the past week has your baby laughed? and checked the box that said we’d send a sample of everyone’s hair, so researchers could measure cortisol, testosterone, prolactin. So they could determine: during this trial, did ...

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